Remove. Reuse. Repurpose!

Remove. Reuse. Repurpose!

Some candles come in the cutest jars. Our jars and tins are proof of that! I am sure you've caught yourself thinking "what can I use this for when the candle is done?" In this blog, I will give you tips and tricks for removing that old wax and what you can reuse the jars for after the scent is long gone!

1. FREEZE IT OUT! The freezer has always been my go-to for removing old wax. Just put the jar in the freezer. I usually put it in overnight so I can be sure that it has sat long enough. The wax will harden and then using a butter knife, you can pop out the old wax! Wash the jar and you've got yourself a new jar/container. 

2. HOT IN HERE! Another method is the hot water method. Boil water and pour the water about halfway up the candle holder. You have to leave room in the top because the wax will float to the top! It is super simple. Remove the wax, pour out the water, and wash the container!

3. HEATING UP! Last but not least, I would suggest using a heat gun to melt the wax. I would only use this option if there isn't much wax left in the bottom of the jar. You can apply the heat to the bottom and sides of the jar until the wax softens. Once the wax is melted, you can use a cloth and wipe it out or rinse out using hot water. 

Here are a few jars that I cleaned out and reused myself. I made labels using my cricut and labeled them for my daughter's room. One holds her hair clips and the other holds her hairbows. Not pictured is the jar that sits in her bathroom and holds Q-tips! I find old candle jars with lids make for great organizational containers for cleaning supplies and bathroom products. They also add a nice decorative tough too! Next time you have a nice container, don't throw it out! Remove the wax. Reuse and Repurpose the jar! 

I would love to know how you repurposed your candle jar?

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